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Q: What is an impact of interdependence between transitional and developed economies?
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An important link between the members of a community is interdependence for reproduction called as reproductive interdependence

Interdependence between cultural region has increased as a result of advancements in?

communication technology, global trade, and travel opportunities. These advancements have allowed for increased interconnectedness and the spread of ideas, traditions, and practices across different cultural regions.

Is interdependence illustrated in the trade routes east to west map?

Yes, interdependence is illustrated in the trade routes east to west map. The map shows the interconnected trading routes between different regions, indicating the reliance and interdependence of various societies on each other for trade and commerce. It highlights how goods, ideas, and cultures were exchanged across vast distances, creating a global network of interdependent economies.

Interdependence between staff and offenders is called?

In terms of the corrections process in the U.S., this interdependence is called "exchange".

What are the differences between the 3 economies?

That depends on what three 'economies' you are talking about.

How does trade lead to interdependence between societies?

because you're stupid

Is wait a transitional word?

Yes, wait is a transitional word. A transitional word is that which creates powerful links between the ideas in a given paper that help the reader understand the logic of a given paper.

What is the difference between interdependence and interconnectedness?

all things are friends they do nt be connected

Interdependence between agriculture and industry?

agricture industry are avaliable in village aria

What is the difference between developed and developing?

Developed is past tense which means that it has already occurred, whereas developing is present (continuous) tense and refers something happening currently.With regard to world economies, the distinction is that developed countries have a higher level of production and per capita income than countries defined as developing (less developed).

How are africans working to improve their economies and social conditions?

i think it is a brithis economies between european.

Interdependence between cutural regions has increased as a result of advancements to?

Ithink or may know