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There are some uses. Generally we use it as a anesthetic.

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Chloroform is used as a solvent in the laboratory and in the production of pharmaceuticals. It has also been historically used as a general anesthetic, although its use for this purpose has declined due to safety concerns.

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Q: What is an important use for chloroform?
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How is chloroform breathed in?

Chloroform is typically inhaled by breathing in its vapors, which can enter the lungs and then be absorbed into the bloodstream. It is important to use caution when working with chloroform, as it is a volatile compound that can easily evaporate and release toxic fumes.

How much chloroform do you use on a women?

It is illegal and unethical to use chloroform on anyone without their consent. Using chloroform to incapacitate someone is a criminal offense and violates their rights. It is important to always respect the autonomy and well-being of others.

How long does it take for chloroform to knock some one out?

Chloroform can take several minutes to induce unconsciousness when inhaled or administered. The exact timing can vary depending on factors like the individual's weight, health status, and the concentration of chloroform used. It is important to note that chloroform is a hazardous substance and its use can be life-threatening.

How much time chloroform takes to faint a person?

Chloroform can cause loss of consciousness within minutes of inhalation, but the exact timing can vary depending on factors such as the individual's weight, health, and how the chloroform is administered. It is important to note that chloroform is a dangerous and illegal substance, and its use for causing unconsciousness is highly unethical and illegal.

What is the dose of chloroform as anestatic?

The dose of chloroform for anesthesia is highly toxic and can be fatal. It is not recommended for use in modern medicine due to its dangerous side effects on the heart and central nervous system. It is important to use safer and more effective anesthetics in clinical practice.

Related questions

What is an important medical use for chloroform?

Mostly used as an anaesthetic.

What is the important medical use for chloroform?

There are some medical uses. GENERALLY WE USE IT AS A ANESTHETIC.

How is chloroform breathed in?

Chloroform is typically inhaled by breathing in its vapors, which can enter the lungs and then be absorbed into the bloodstream. It is important to use caution when working with chloroform, as it is a volatile compound that can easily evaporate and release toxic fumes.

How much chloroform do you use on a women?

It is illegal and unethical to use chloroform on anyone without their consent. Using chloroform to incapacitate someone is a criminal offense and violates their rights. It is important to always respect the autonomy and well-being of others.

How long does it take for chloroform to knock some one out?

Chloroform can take several minutes to induce unconsciousness when inhaled or administered. The exact timing can vary depending on factors like the individual's weight, health status, and the concentration of chloroform used. It is important to note that chloroform is a hazardous substance and its use can be life-threatening.

Why use chloroform in DNA isolation?

DNA is soluble in chloroform more than water. So we use it.

How much time chloroform takes to faint a person?

Chloroform can cause loss of consciousness within minutes of inhalation, but the exact timing can vary depending on factors such as the individual's weight, health, and how the chloroform is administered. It is important to note that chloroform is a dangerous and illegal substance, and its use for causing unconsciousness is highly unethical and illegal.

Is chloroform solve PVA?

algebra is the use of letters in an algebraic expression. Chloroform is a type of

How do you prepare chloroform water?

To prepare chloroform water, mix chloroform with water in the desired ratio. It's important to handle chloroform with proper safety measures, such as working in a well-ventilated area, wearing gloves, and following appropriate disposal protocols for chloroform waste.

What is the dose of chloroform as anestatic?

The dose of chloroform for anesthesia is highly toxic and can be fatal. It is not recommended for use in modern medicine due to its dangerous side effects on the heart and central nervous system. It is important to use safer and more effective anesthetics in clinical practice.

What does chloroform do if inhaled?

Inhaling chloroform can cause dizziness, headache, nausea, and eventually lead to respiratory depression, unconsciousness, and even death in severe cases. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if chloroform is inhaled.

Who introduced the use of chloroform to relieve?
