

What is an 'instantaneous rate of change' in calculus?

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Immanuel Gibson

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4y ago

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Q: What is an 'instantaneous rate of change' in calculus?
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The rate of change in position at a given point in time?

The rate of change in position at a given point in time is instantaneous speed, instantaneous velocity.

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Finding the rate of change - in particular, the instantaneous rate of change.

What is the rate of change in a position at a given point in time?

The rate of change in position at a given point in time is instantaneous speed, instantaneous velocity.

What is the rate of change in position in a given point of time?

The rate of change in position at a given point in time is instantaneous speed, instantaneous velocity.

What is The rate in change of position at a given point in time?

The rate of change in position at a given point in time is instantaneous speed, instantaneous velocity.

In calculus what is the instantaneous acceleration?

If v is the velocity, then it is dv/dt.If we start with v= dx/dt as the instantaneous change in position, then it is d2x/d t2

What is the relation of gravity with calculus?

Gravity is a force, which means that it has a corresponding acceleration (rate of rate of change). Because calculus is the study of rates of change, accelerations are studied in calculus.

What is differential in the branch of mathematics?

Differential calculus is a branch of math involved in finding instantaneous rates of change. A differential is one of those concepts, which, just like linear algebraic equations the slope may be separated into 2 parts, so a differential may be one part of an instantaneous rate of change.

What is the difference between a slope and rate of change?

Depends. Slope of tangent = instantaneous rate of change. Slope of secant = average rate of change.

What is differentail calculus?

In mathematics differential calculus is a subfield of calculus concerned with the study of the rates at which quantities change.Rates of changes are expressed as derivatives.For example, the rate of change of position is velocity and the second rate of change of position, which is also the rate of change of velocity is acceleration.

What is the calculus operation for finding the rate of change in an equation?

The calculus operation for finding the rate of change in an equation is differentiation. By taking the derivative of the equation, you can find the rate at which one variable changes with respect to another.

What does instantaneous velocity mean?

Instantaneous velocity refers to the velocity of an object at a specific moment in time. It is the rate at which an object's position changes with respect to time at a particular instant, and it is typically represented as a vector quantity with both magnitude and direction.