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P: Proof use a quote from the poem or story)

E: Explain (explain the quote and how it relates to your answer being right)

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12y ago

The opposite of a multiple choice question. It basically means they ask you a question, and you have to come up with your own words to answer said question.

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Q: How do you write an open ended response?
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What is the relationship between open ended and close ended questions?

An open ended question requires an answer and a response while a close ended question is basically the same thing as a yes or no question

What is the basic structure of a open ended response?

A-C-E standing for Answer, Cite, Explain.

What is open ended question and close ended question?

An open-ended question is one that requires a detailed and thoughtful response, allowing the individual to provide their own thoughts, opinions, or experiences. It usually begins with words like "how," "what," or "why." A closed-ended question, on the other hand, typically elicits a simple, specific answer such as "yes" or "no" or a specific piece of information. It often begins with words like "do," "is," or "are."

What is the difference between an open end questionnaire and a close end questionnaire?

Open-ended means the user is free to provide whatever response they want. Closed-ended means the user is limited in their choice of responses, i.e. multiple choice.

What is a partially open ended question in psychology?

A partially open ended question is like a restricted question but with an "other". For instance, the answer to the question, Who do you live with? would have an array of questions like Mom, Dad, Grandma, or Other ____ and you would have to write in who that person was

How does Watson write down his Final Jeopardy response?

Watson can not write down his response it is a computer.

How do write a gridded response?

Write it then bubble it in

Is open ended a hyphenated word?

Yes, open-ended should be hyphenated

What are opened ended sentences?

Open-ended sentences are statements or questions that do not have a specific end or limit, allowing for more detailed responses and encouraging conversation to continue. They prompt the listener to provide a more elaborate answer rather than a simple yes or no. These sentences are commonly used in interviews, surveys, and conversations to encourage thoughtful responses.

What is an open response?

An open response question is when they asks you to reflect on a reading passage and then writhe a thoughtful based on what you have read.

What are the open ended question and close ended question about online shopping system?

Open ended questions make the children to think critically and examine the questions carefully and express personal ideas and information. On the contrary, close-ended questions usually revolves round "Yes" or "No" answers with limited amount of information. Open-ended questions, also called infinite response or unsaturated type questions are used to find out in-depth ideas, and solicit additional information from the person of interest. They are broad, and expect more descriptive responses than one or two words.

Can you write a readers response on the book lilys purple plastic purse?

Yes, you can write a readers response for any book.