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Contamination refers to the presence of waste material or harmful chemicals in a substance or environment, making it impure or unfit for use. This can pose health hazards and environmental risks if not properly addressed and remediated.

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Q: What is an uncleanness or impurity caused by waste material or harmful chemicals?
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What is the harmful material?

Harmful material refers to substances or substances that can cause damage to the environment, human health, or living organisms. This can include toxic chemicals, pollutants, radioactive materials, or hazardous waste. Proper handling and disposal of harmful materials are important to prevent negative impacts.

Are there any harmful chemicals in matter?

Yes, some chemicals found in matter can be harmful to human health and the environment. It's important to understand the potential risks associated with different chemicals and take necessary precautions to minimize exposure. Government regulations and guidelines are in place to help protect against harmful chemical exposure.

Why is burning sulfur an impurity?

Burning sulfur produces sulfur dioxide, a harmful gas that can contribute to air pollution and acid rain. This can negatively impact human health and the environment, making it an impurity when released into the air.

What pollutant is a harmful material that cannot be broken down by natural processes?

A non-biodegradable pollutant is a harmful material that cannot be broken down by natural processes. Examples include plastic, certain heavy metals, and some synthetic chemicals. These pollutants can persist in the environment for long periods and can cause harm to ecosystems and organisms.

Can cement be consumed?

No, cement should not be consumed as it is a construction material made of various chemicals, mainly calcium, silica, and alumina. Consuming cement can be harmful as it can cause serious health issues like gastrointestinal blockages and irritation.