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The oceans are another extremely important carbon reservoir. Carbon is stored in marine life, dissolved inorganic carbon, and as organic carbon in sediments at the bottom of the ocean. The oceans play a critical role in the global carbon cycle by absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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Involves the transfer of carbon from one reservoir to another?

i have the same work sheet as you haha! carbon cycle

Why nonmetals important?

Nonmetals are important because they are often the main components of metals and other materials. Carbon is an extremely important nonmetal.

Which process moves carbon stored in fossil fuel into another carbon reservoir?

The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon that has been stored underground into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. This process is known as the combustion of fossil fuels.

What is the major reservoir of carbon on earth?

The major reservoir of carbon on Earth is found in rocks, particularly in the form of carbonate minerals like limestone. This carbon can be released into the atmosphere through processes like weathering and volcanic activity.

What is the biggest carbon reservoir on earth?

The biggest carbon reservoir on Earth is the ocean. The oceans store approximately 38,000 billion metric tons of carbon, which is more than the amount stored in the atmosphere and terrestrial vegetation combined.

What is the primary abiotic reservoir of biologically available carbon?

Coal and other fossil carbon pools

What is carbon pool?

A carbon pool is a reservoir with the capacity to store and release carbon, such as soil, terrestrial vegetation, the ocean, and the atmosphere.

Where is the largest reservoir of carbon located on earth?

In the oceans

What reservoir is dissolved in carbon dioxide most abundant?

The most abundant reservoir of dissolved carbon dioxide is the Earth's oceans. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by seawater where it forms carbonic acid, contributing to ocean acidification. This process plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle.

How carbon can be held in certain reservoir for million of years?

An example is the carbon held within a coal seam.

Oceans are a reservoir for carbon stored as?

Oceans store carbon dioxide as dissolved inorganic carbon. This carbon is essential for regulating the Earth's climate.

Name the form of carbon in the atmosphere reservoir?

Do you mean just the form of carbon in the atmosphere, or every where? If you mean in the atmosphere it's Carbon Dioxide, but if you mean everywhere it's in limestone, trees, the ocean, and other places. Sorry if this doesn't help ya.