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Q: What is another way to say Buy One Get One Free?
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Can you get a new action replay for free if you tell the people at gamestop?

No. All they will do will just look at it and then say that you can just buy another one for 25 dollars. That happend to me once.

What do you do if your friend loses your phone?

You say, "OK i will need another phone." then you say, "OK we will both buy the same exact phone together." If your friend is really really sorry, forgive them and they will most likely help you buy a new one or even better buy you a new one themselves. If they're not sorry, they're not your friend and you forget all about them and ask someone else to help you buy another one or just buy another one.

Are there cheats in Slaves for Sale in Facebook?

say i am a free slave say name or if u wan to buy just say event slave houuse and u go one

Why do companies list products buy 2 and get one free?

I is likely to do with some physcological thing like how if you say buy 1 get 1 50% off and buy two get one FREE due to the fact that we want lots of free stuff we are more likely to buy the one that has the key word free. It's similar to instead of pay 1.00$ you would rather pay 0.99$ when in reality they have the same value (3/3=.99 or 1)

About how many people buy one app for the ipod touch?

I would say some. Due to the jailbreak which allows free apps.

How do you get free bus tire dress on woozworld?

Um, do you mean bustier dress? I'm sad to say, its not free. But some people have games, and the prize might be a free bustier dress. You can buy the bustier dress in shopz icon or buy it from someones shop. Another way to get a bustier dress is to trade things for it. I hope I helped.

When you say that one thing is like another its called a smilie when you say one thing is another that is called?

When you say one thing is another, it is called a metaphor.

What is another way to say buy and sell day?


What is another way to say purchase?

To buy or obtain something.

Is there still a Taco Bell Buy One Get One Free coupon?

That would be hard to say without knowing which coupon you have. Check the coupon. At the bottom of the coupon it should say whether there is an expiration date and when it expires.

My mom's bird died and she is sad i do not know what to say her?

one thing you could say is , i know you loved your bird and im sorry it died but one day may be i can buy you another one so cheer up.

Where can you find free zum codes?

buy a zum where that's all i have to say