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inert as in the inert gases or "noble" gases

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Q: What is another word for chemically nonreactive?
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Noble gases are chemically?

Noble gases are chemically inert. They have completely filled orbitals, hence are generally non-reactive (or chemically inert).

Are atoms with eight electrons in the outer shell not reactive at all?

stable and chemically nonreactive, or inert.

Does neon form salt?

Neon is a chemically inert gas, a noble gas, which means it is nonreactive and does not form any compounds. Neon therefore cannot form salts.

What is nonreactive gases?

a nonreactive gas is a gas that does not react with any other element. you can find these nonreactive gases in the group 0 of the periodic table.

Why is helium non-reactive?

Helium is nonreactive because of its full outer shell of electrons and forms no compounds.

What is serology nonreactive?

Serology nonreactive means negative for the presence of the analyte being detected in the test system.

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Do mixtures chemically react?

No. A key characteristic of mixtures is that the components making up the mixture do not chemically react with one another.

Why are noble gases the most nonreactive?

Noble gases have completely filled orbitals. Their valence orbitals are completely filled, have 8 electrons and obey octet rule (stable electronic configuration). Hence they are chemically inert (or do not react with other elements).

What are the elements of lipid's?

Lipids is another term for fat. Lipids are chemically triglycerides.

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the kettle does not react