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I don't know another single word for rational numbers. Definition: The rational numbers are all numbers which can be expressed as the ratio of two integers.

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Q: What is another word for rational numbers?
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What are two product of rational numbers?

Another rational number.

What is the same about rational and irrational numbers?

it has the word rational in it

What does a word problem using rational number and its solution mean?

It means that either the numbers involved in the word problem are all rational or that any irrational numbers are being approximated by rational numbers.

What would be difference of 2 rational numbers?

Another rational number.

How do you find percents of rational numbers?

The answer will depend on whether you want percentage equivalents of rational numbers or one rational number as a percentage of another.

What is the sum of three rational numbers?

It's always another rational number.

What is anouther name for rational and irrational numbers?

Another name for 'rational' is "numbers that are equal to the ratio of two whole numbers". Another name for 'irrational' is "numbers that are not equal to the ratio of any two whole numbers".

Why are rational numbers closed in subtraction?

Because when one rational number is subtracted from another rational number the result is a rational number. Don't forget that integers (ℤ) are a subset of rational numbers (ℚ).

Are some rational numbers integers?

That's a true statement. Another true statement is: All integers are rational numbers.

What kind of number will you always get when you add two rational numbers?

Another rational number.

What is the difference from rational numbers and a number?

A rational number can be written as (one whole number) divided by (another whole number). An irrational number can't.

What numbers r rational?

All those numbers than can b represented as one integer over another integer r rational.