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Her eyes were as cold as ice.

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Q: What is as simile for as cold as ice?
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Is cold as ice a metaphor or similar?

Do you mean: Is 'cold as ice' a metaphor or a simile? If so, it is a simile because 'cold as ice' uses as. A simile is a comparison that uses like or as. A metaphor is a comparison that DOES NOT use like or as. Hope that helps. :)

Is as cold as ice an idiom?

Yes, "as cold as ice" is an idiom that means extremely cold or emotionless. It is not meant to be taken literally.

Ice-block-cold-eyes is an example of what literary term?

"Ice-block-cold-eyes" is an example of a literary device called a simile, which is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things using the words "like" or "as." In this case, the simile is used to create a vivid image of someone's cold and emotionless gaze.

Were there any simile in Breaking Dawn?

Yes on page 66 " Edward's voice was cold as ice, sharp as razors"

Simile for hit?

hit me like a tsunami hit me like a truck hit me like ice cold water

Does the sentence You went outside and it's as cold as a boot contain a cliche?

No because "as cold as a boot" would be a simile - and it makes no sense anyway, because nobody thinks of a boot as something cold.A cliche would be "as cold as ice" maybe - but that's still a simile.

Complete the simile As cool as a?

as cool as an ice-cream

Simile and examples?

A simile is when you compare one thing with another thing but they are completely different. Some examples include brave as a lion and as cold as an ice cube.

Simile for ice cream?

the ice cream was as smooth as silk! the ice cream was as hard as a rock! ice cream is like angels singing from above!

Is cold as the winter wind when it breeze a simile or metaphor?

simile because it has "as"

What is a simile for cool?

As cool as ice