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Q: What is assist in French?
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Related questions

Where can someone find a english to french translation?

An french dictionary can also be used to assist someone in translating from english to french and vice versa, there are also some websites that assist for free.

Can you use the verb 'assister' from the French language to say 'assist' in English?

In English, "assister" from French generally translates to "attend" or "be present at" in English, rather than ''assist''.

What is the verb to assist in French?

aider or assister

How do you say assistant in french?

un assistant or une assistante ( if female )

Need help at french Please let me know if you speak french?

Yes, I speak French. How can I assist you?

Which french leader was in charge of the french fleet sent to assist the Americans in July 1780?

The French Admiral Comte de Grasse.

How did the french revolution assist or hinder democratic ideas in France?


Did the French assist the Americans before Oct 17 1777?

All of these

Tu ne parles pas francais par hasard?

I can communicate in French. How can I assist you today?

What was a turning point for the colonists during the American revolution?

When the French agreed to assist the colonists.

What was the major point for the colonist during the American revolution?

When the French agreed to assist the colonists.

What is a good application for learning French words?

According to the About website there are a number of applications that will assist one in learning French words. Some of the options include French Wordpower, French Word of the Day and Learn French Quick.