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AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE: Lowest temperature at which mixture will ignite in the absence of spark or flame. for more inf cont(

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Q: What is autoignition temperature?
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What Temperature diesel burns at?

2. What is the autoignition temperature of a) Petrol 246°C b) Diesel 210°C" Also check Do not confuse autoignition with sustained flame temperature, which can vary widely due to a number of contributors. Flame temperature of openly-burned diesel at sea level in an environment of 70°F at 80% humidity can range from 900°C to 1200°C, due to factors such as completion of burn, particle size, etc. A good 'general answer' would be 1200°C, but the technically correct answer is a range, not a specific number.

Hot Approach and Cold approach in heat exchanger?

Hot Approach: It is difference in temperature of hot fluid inlet temperature and cold fluid outlet temperature Cold Approach: It is difference in temperature of Hot fluid outlet temperature and cold fluid inlet temperature. Mohsin

How will you control the temperature of an endothermic reaction in a mixed reactor?

Studies indicate the best way to control the temperature of the endothermic reaction in a mixed reactor is through making adjustments to the coolant temperature. There processes are highly complex.

What is a Tempil stick temperature measuring crayon?

These are temperature sensitive chemicals shaped in the form of sticks. These are not temperature measuring but temperature Indicating crayons. You have to interpret temperature by observing the physical change taking place form solid to liquid. A surface is heated & you start marking (or rather touching) at intervals.for example you have a stick of 150oc with soon as surface attains 150oc you will get liquid droplets in place of dry chalky mark. Kamal jain /Indore / India

What temperature does frost occur?

3 celcious

Related questions

What is an autoignition?

An autoignition is an act of spontaneous ignition, often triggered when a substance reaches a certain temperature.

What is the autoignition temperature of diesel?

210deg C

What is autoignition temperature of hydrogen?

500 - 507 deg C

What chemical has the lowest autoignition temperature?

At -20C, triethylborane is the low-temp autoignition champ. Its primary use? Setting other things on fire!

What is the flash point of aluminum powder?

The flash point of aluminum powder is not applicable, as it does not readily ignite in its powder form. Aluminum powder is flammable when dispersed in air as a dust cloud, but it does not have a specific flash point like liquids or gases. Proper handling and storage to prevent dust cloud formation are crucial to avoid fire hazards.

When dystopian novel gets its name from the autoignition temperature of paper?

Celsius 233. Or was that in BTU's.....

What is the Flash point of aluminum?

The autoignition temperature is 590 oC.

What is the ignition temperature of polypropylene?

Various MSDS sheets show a range of autoignition temps for polypropylene. Ranging from 260 to 410 or thereabouts Celsius.

Why do you think the autoignition temperature of paper is 451 degrees F when Wikipedia says it's 450 degrees C?

The autoignition temperature of paper can vary depending on factors such as the type of paper and its composition. The 451 degrees F value you mentioned may represent a common estimation for some types of paper while Wikipedia's 450 degrees C value could be based on a different study or source. It's important to consider multiple sources and understand the context when researching specific values like autoignition temperatures.

What is the flash point and autoignition temp of kerosene?

The flash point of kerosenes is between 35 0C and 65 0C. The autoignition point of kerosenes is 220 0C.

How does increasing oxygen impact autoignition temperatures?

It will decrease the autoignition tempurature. For some materials with low ignition tempuratures the material will start to combust at room tempuratures.

What spark temperature must the piezo produce to ignite the pilot light on a natural gas fireplace?

The spark temperature produced by a piezo igniter is typically around 1800-2000 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is sufficient to ignite the pilot light on a natural gas fireplace, as natural gas requires a high temperature spark to ignite.