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The mass of a textbook, or anything else on Earth is equal to its weight. Take it to the Moon, for instance, and the mass of the textbook equals its weight on Earth. Take it to planet Pluto, and the mass of the textbook is still equal to its weight on Earth. Take it anywhere, and its mass is still equal to its weight on Earth.

Most large textbooks will weigh a kilogram or so, though some can certainly weigh more or less than this amount.

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8y ago
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4mo ago

The average mass of a typical paperback book ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 pounds, while hardcover books can weigh between 1.5 to 3 pounds. This can vary depending on the size, number of pages, and paper quality of the book.

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13y ago

My friends have found theirs to range in the average of 15-20 lbs.

Depending on the size of the textbook and paper materials; it could be much lighter, or much heavier.

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15y ago

To much to carry home from school, :(

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13y ago

it depends what size.

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12y ago

750 grams to 1kg

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