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Background radiation is the nuclear radiation that arises naturally from cosmic rays and form radioactive isotopes in the soil and air. Some of its sources are : the sun, heat, soil, rocks, and plants.

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Q: What is background radiation List some of its sources?
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Where does background radiation originate?

Background radiation can come from all sorts of sources, some natural, some man-made.Examples include...cosmic rays from spaceradon gas emitted from the earth's crustelectromagnetic radiation from a number of possible sourcesatomic radiation from nuclear substances.For much more information see Related links below this box.

What is the concept of radioactivity that's always there?

This is probably a reference to what is called background radiation. Background radiation has a number of contibuting factors, but it is "always there" in some form or another owing to radioactive decay of radioisotopes and to cosmic radiation and its effects.

Why does a Geiger counter occasionally click even if no artificial radioisotopes are nearby?

There's always some background radiation. There's ionizing radiation around -- trace amounts of radioactive substances decaying, cosmic rays penetrating the atmosphere, etc.

What are some sources of ultraviolet radiation?

The sun, stars, uv lights, and tanning beds.

What is the difference between cosmic background radiation and red shift?

Cosmic microwave background radiation is a specific radiation. Red shift is a change in frequency due to the fact that an object moves away from us (or for some other reason, such as a gravitational well); and that affects ALL types of radiations.

One of the observable remnants of the Big Bang is?

cosmic background radiation :) This phenomenon can be picked up by an ordinary radio or tv. If your radio is not tuned into a station, then some of the the noise (interference) you hear is the cosmic background radiation caused by the Big Bang.

What are some primary contributors to background radiation?

Radiation is a natural part of the universe. It comes from cosmic rays, the big bang, stars, rocks, soil, and gasses. Even BANANAS are radioactive. Google "radioactive bananas" for a real treat!

Which country has high radiation?

There are several places on the globe that are high in background radiation. Usually they are low lying, river deltas. Bangladesh, and some parts of Africa are especially "hot".

What are some naturally occurring ways we receive radiation?

I assume you mean ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Cathode ray tube televisions (i.e. the non-flatscreen televisions) and some other electric devices produce some radiation. While it might sound pretty excessive all these sources add up to a very small amount of radiation. About 2.4 mSv. Most additional radiation people receive are from medical imaging methods such as a CT-scan (20 mSv)

What are some possible test that you can do to identify the radiation emitted by the uranium salt?

There are multiple instrumentation types capable of detecting radiation. The Geiger Counter is one such device capable of detecting radiation emissions from uranium and other radioactive materials/sources.

Where could one go to buy a list of email addresses?

Lists of email addresses can be purchased from various online sources. Some of these sources include infousa, emailnphonelist, novo-marketing, email-list, as well as many other online sources.

What can be done to lower exposure to radiation?

To reduce exposure try the following:avoiding sources of radiationshielding to block radiationdecontamination if the radiation source is in dust or liquid form on skin and/or clothingiodine tablets to protect the thyroid gland from iodine-131 if presentetc.These will have to be adapted depending on the exact type and source of radiation. For example some sources can't be avoided, shielding that works for one type of radiation doesn't for another, etc.