

What is ballbusting?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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15y ago

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Its a fetish that involves men who like to get be hurt (busted) in the testicles (balls) and women who like to do the hurting. The most classic form of ballbusting is probably kicking a guy in the balls, but you can also punch, stomp, etc.

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Where can you find gay ballbusting?

XTube, Shotgun video

Who likes ballbusting?

I personally love ballbusting. I love it when my girl kicks me as hard as she can in the nuts. I know some people might think I'm weird but hey it feels good. Anyone interested should find a girl to kick them or a guy willing to let you kick them.

Does ballbusting taste good?

only if you bite his balls my gf did that once before its pretty relaxing when gentle

Is ballbusting common?

ballbusting can be common but it depends on the people. Ballbusting is not something lots of people would admit to being into because it is not seen as normal however lots of people can do like it as it is a form of domination. the women can control the man by his balls she does it because of the power it give her the man gets controled by the woman by his balls this lowers him and makes him feel weak knowing the female can hurt him very badly. so yes to more kinky couples or people who are into bdsm and bondage this could be popular to the,

New ballbusting techniques?

There are a few new ball busting techniques. The most popular techniques are games and message ball.

How to not feel pain in ballbusting?

well this is the same question in my mind.i feel very obsessed about doing ballbusting but im only afraid of the severe pain it might cause.. i guess those dominatrix and slave who doing this thing have already done operation to remove the nerve supply to the testicles , its done by cutting the nerve through the inguinal cord, i ve seen scars at some guys having ballbusting in the same area, i gues that's the thing they doing .. i really feel interested to know more about this . any one has other suggestions?

Do Arabic girls like ballbusting?

Asking a general question like this can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and assumptions. It's essential to remember that individuals have diverse preferences and interests regardless of their cultural background. It's important to communicate openly and respectfully with any potential partners about their boundaries and interests.

Can a kick to the balls feel good?

It can, actually, if you're into the fetish known as "ballbusting". If you're curious and feel like giving it a try, ask your partner to give you a light kick or a good hard squeeze next time you're getting down 'n' dirty. Nutbusting can be a lot of fun, as long as you're careful not to pop anything.

Do girls like ballbusting?

Depends. Some girls find it a bizarre idea that they'd never be interested in. Others do it because a boyfriend or someone enjoys it, and they like making that person happy. And then everyone once in a while, there's a girl who likes ballbusting for the actual ballbusting: for the joy of dropping a guy to his knees or feeling his nuts squish between her fingers. Of course, within that last category there are a couple different types of girls. Sometimes a girl just likes to make guys squirm a bit, sometimes she likes to make you walk funny for a few days, and sometimes she likes the sensation of a ruptured nut beneath her toes. It's important to know what you're dealing with before you let her start bashing up your balls. While some women will be apprehensive about kicking or kneeing your balls, you can convince nearly any woman your are in a relationship to squeeze your balls.

How do you get a girl to ballbust?

Hey I'm 17 and I've been ballbusting with my boyfriend for the past 6 months and I think it's really fun! When he first told me what he liked it was so unexpected but I was open to try new things and mist girls would be, you just have to introduce us slowly into it... For example, why not get round to it and tell her to give them a slap and tell her she'd be amazed at how much you can take and tell her to give it all she has then go on from there... there's nothing wrong with liking a little pain every now and then and if she doesn't want to just ask her to respect your privacy and to keep it to herself! I find it really fun and I know a lot of girls are interested to see how much boys can take... I think we're all somewhat sadistic really, hope I helped! :)

Why does it hurt guys when they get hit in testes?