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Q: What is best time of year to lay topsoil?
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What time of year do worms lay eggs?

i don't think they lay eggs

Do polychaetes lay eggs?

yes; they lay 1000 or more at a time. They lay them 3 times a year.

What time of year do swans lay there eggs?

It really depends on the type of bird. Some lay all year round, some just for a few months of the year. However, chicks are noticed more in Spring because it's the best weather (and best time for food). If you have a specific bird in mind, you may want to look up its breeding behaviour in an encylcopedia or Google it.

What time of year swans lay eggs?


What time of year do ladybirds lay there eggs?

lady birds lay their eggs all through the year particularly in spring but they don't lay their eggs near the end of summer due to normally eating and dieing about this time.

How many eggs can hermaphroditic snails lay at a time?

they lay about 80 eggs up to 6 times a year

What time of year does an alligator lay eggs?

None of your business they usually lay eggs i Spring what do you think?

What time of year do kiwi lay eggs?

Kiwi may lay their eggs anywhere between June, the beginning of New Zealand's winter, and March of the following year.

How many eggs does a black star hen lay in a year?

one at a time

What season can parakeets lay their eggs?

Parakeets are what's called prolific. They can lay eggs at any time of the year. Although there is a set time for October through July

What time of year do the blue footef boobies lay there eggs?

well to be exact boobies dont lay eggs and i believe they are not blue

What are the best chickens?

I say that red-sexlyings are the best bc they lay the most eggs in the year