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Q: What is best way for a non profit to decrease expenses?
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How do you increase profit in a non profit organisation?

Similar to the for profit world, the way to increase profit is to reduce expenses or increase income. Non profit's income tends to come from contributed income, program fees, or grants.

How do you calculate net profit percentage?

{Revenues-(Cost of Goods Sold+Operating Expenses+Other Expenses+Interest+Tax and Non Tax Expenses-Tax and Non Tax Income)/Revenues}*100 Or to put it simpler, you could use the equation; (net profit/turnover)*100

Can you differentiate between profit and non-profit making business?

any business u making money more than your expenses thas is profit otherwise loss

Can the owner of a non profit organization get a salary?

Yes It is still an organisation, so has taxes and wages and expenses to pay Just that it makes no profit for itself

Is it legal to reimburse volunteer drivers for gasoline expenses when they drive for a non-profit organization?

In my experience, non-profit organizations can reimburse expenses of this kind. There are usually two options for "gasoline expenses": a straight payment (we'll give you x dollars for this event) or a mileage rate (we'll give you x cents per kilometre/mile).


Non-profit refers to an organization that runs primarily on expenses only. It does not use additional surplus money as distributions for dividends or profit, but to achieve the goals of the organization. The non-profit purposes might fall under the categories of education, religion, social, science, literary, recreation or for benevolent principals. Non-profits may have paid staff, as well as volunteers. Non-profits are controlled by boards. For tax purposes, a non-profit must be judged eligible by the IRS.

Is gross profit greater than net income?

Most probably, yes. Gross Profit is the gain made solely from trading activities: the difference between the revenue received from sales and how much their cost of purchase/production was. Net Profit, however, will take into account other incomes (such as rent from sub-let premises, profit from disposal and decrease in provision for doubtful debts) and expenses (both cash and non-cash such as rent and depreciation, respectively). Now, it is possible that these other sources of income are more than the expenses incurred in the running of the business, which will lead to net profit being higher than gross profit but it is most unlikely as nearly all, if not all, businesses' expenses exceed other sources of income!

What is an operating profit?

i hope it is the net profit plus non-operative expenses (not directly connected with sale of the produce) plus interest & taxes. May be slightly higher than EBIT.

What is projected income statement?

Projected Income Statement normally includes your estimated future Business Revenues, Cost of Goods Sold, Gross Profit, Controllable Expenses, Non-Controllable Expenses and Net Profit. This statement is utilized to project your financial future in your business.

What is the difference between non profit organization and non government organization?

A non-profit organization is typically a local group (it can be multinational) and is committed to only paying the salaries of its members and its expenses. In this way, no profit is made. A non-governmental organization is almost always a national or international organization that assists people in ways that governments in the region typically do not (or not to a large enough extent) and many non-governmental organizations do make a profit although some are non-profit as well. The bottom line is: If you have a non-profit NGO, they typically use one title to give more clarity as to their main focus.

What is non-budgetary controls?

Non-Budgetary control is laying control on your non-budgeted expenses i.e those expenses which are not defined in normal budgeted expenses. The techniques for these non-budgetary control are : 1) Statistical data analysis. 2) Break-even analysis or the no profit & no-loss analysis. 3)Gantt Charts 4) PERT (Programmed Evaluation & Review Technique).

What is non budgetary control?

Non-Budgetary control is laying control on your non-budgeted expenses i.e those expenses which are not defined in normal budgeted expenses. The techniques for these non-budgetary control are : 1) Statistical data analysis. 2) Break-even analysis or the no profit & no-loss analysis. 3)Gantt Charts 4) PERT (Programmed Evaluation & Review Technique).