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Lobster overall on runescape because out of the two once consumed you re-gain an immediate inventory space after it's consumed, Stews only good use is against the Chaos elemental because of the fact it leaves a bowl in your inventory when the food is consumed meaning if you have a full inventory of it the chaos elemental cannot de-wield your armour/weapons, but still can teleport you about.

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Q: What is better stew or lobster on RuneScape?
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How much does lobster heal on RuneScape?

In RuneScape a Lobster heals 120 HP!

How much does lobster sell for in RuneScape?

cooked lobster ~ 82gp raw lobster ~ 126gp prices changed by the day Answer: Question about prices of RuneScape items are best looked up directly on the RuneScape Grand Exchange. You can access it from the RuneScape main page.

How do you make spicy stew in runescape?

Make stew as usual but add spices.

How do you make stew in RuneScape?

1stly , it depends of what stew you want to do and if you are a member or no. for more information go to a runescape website , you will find guides for cooking, or you can guess how to do the stew just by seeing it's name

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Is karamja a good fishing spot in runescape?

for non-members yes you can fx catch swordfish,lobster and tuna and for members no much better go to catherby

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Erm... a lobster pot or a crayfish cage.

What must you feed your kitten on RuneScape?

Raw fish up to lobster work.

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Yea runescape is the funest. Runescape is better than funorb

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Can you fish lobster in draynor in runescape?

No. Free-to-play players can only fish lobster in eastern Karamja, or in the Wilderness. Paying members have several additional options.

Where can you find lobster if you are a non member in runescape?

In Karamja. Travel to Karamja from Port Sarim by boat. And go north of banana plantation. There is fishing spot for lobster.