

What is bigger a bee or a robot?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is bigger a bee or a robot?
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What kind of big bee flies around plants?

If it is bigger than a honey bee, it will be a bumble bee.

How big is the biggest robot?

4.3FT tall , but in years to come bigger .

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My Life as a Teenage Robot - 2003 Voyage to the Planet of the Bikers Queen Bee 3-7 was released on: Japan: 17 November 2006 USA: 15 November 2008

Is a fly or bee faster?

Flies are faster than bees. They have bigger wings!

How big is a queen bee?

About 1/3 bigger than the normal bees.

Is a horsefly bigger than a bumble bee?

It all depends on how big the bee is AND the horse fly is.

Which are bigger bees or honey bees?

The common bumblebee is usually larger than the honey bee worker, and of comparable size to the honey bee drone.

Which is fiercer the Africanized honey bee or the Asian giant hornet?

The Asian Hornet is a much bigger insect.

Which makes a cone bee or wasp?

A wasp makes a cone-shaped nest which gradually gets bigger.

Is a beetle a bird?

No, a bee is an insect. There is a type of bird called a bee-eater, however.