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The reappearance of excess dissolved substance from a solution upon cooling is called crystallization. It occurs when the solubility of the substance decreases as the temperature decreases, leading to the formation of crystals.

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Q: What is called the reappearance of excess dissolved substance from the solution on cooling?
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How do you form a supersaturated solution?

To form a supersaturated solution, you need to dissolve a larger amount of solute in a solvent than it would normally hold at a given temperature. This can be achieved by heating the solvent to increase its maximum solubility or by slowly cooling a hot, saturated solution to allow more solute to remain dissolved as it cools. Rapidly cooling the solution can help prevent the excess solute from crystallizing out.

Do solutions dissolve?

yes but it depends on the temperature of the solid e.g. steel must be very hot to absorb any solution as a cooling agent. like block and wood they do but very slowly.

A supersaturated solution contains less dissolved solute than a saturated solution at the same temperature?

In a supersaturated solution, the solute concentration exceeds the saturation point at that temperature. This is achieved by dissolving the solute in a hot solution and then slowly cooling it down without allowing the excess solute to precipitate out. A saturated solution has the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved at a given temperature.

Is a Solution that holds more solute than it normally would be saturated solution?

No, a solution that holds more solute than it normally would is called a supersaturated solution. Saturated solutions contain the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved at a given temperature. Supersaturated solutions are unstable and can crystallize out excess solute under certain conditions.

Can a supersaturated solution hold less solute than it normally can?

No. A supersaturated solution holds more solute than the solvent could normally hold.

Related questions

What is the difference between solution and concentrared solution?

A solution is a solute dissolved in a solvent. A concentrated solution is all the solute that be dissolved in a solvent at normal temperature. A super-concentrated solution is all the solute that can be dissolved in a solution after mixing in the solute during high temperature / pressure. The concentration after cooling to normal temperature / pressure is greater than a regular concentrated solution.

What is the name the method used for separating substance dissolved in same liquid?

The method used for separating substances dissolved in the same liquid is called fractional crystallization. This technique involves slowly cooling the solution so that different substances crystallize out at different temperatures, allowing them to be separated based on their solubility.

How do you form a supersaturated solution?

To form a supersaturated solution, you need to dissolve a larger amount of solute in a solvent than it would normally hold at a given temperature. This can be achieved by heating the solvent to increase its maximum solubility or by slowly cooling a hot, saturated solution to allow more solute to remain dissolved as it cools. Rapidly cooling the solution can help prevent the excess solute from crystallizing out.

Effect hot solution containing dissolved benzoic acid immediately placed ice bath?

Cooling the hot solution containing dissolved benzoic acid in an ice bath will cause the benzoic acid to crystallize out of solution due to the decrease in temperature. This rapid cooling process helps to promote the formation of pure benzoic acid crystals and allows for easier separation from the solution.

Do solutions dissolve?

yes but it depends on the temperature of the solid e.g. steel must be very hot to absorb any solution as a cooling agent. like block and wood they do but very slowly.

What term describes a solution that contains the maximum amount of soluteit can hold?

A solution that has the maximum amount of solute dissolved at that temperature is known as a saturated solution.However it is possible to prepare a super saturated solution by heating the solution slightly, dissolving the maximum amount of solute and then carefully cooling the solution. Generally the super saturated solution is unstable and the excess solute will precipitate out if given the energy to do so.A common super saturated solution is a sugar solution. Sugar is added to water and the solution is heated and then carefully cooled. The solution can form a glass like solid called "toffee" rather than crystals of sugar.

How are colored impurities removed from crystals?

The decolourization of undesirable colors is carried out by boiling the substance with sufficient amount of powdered animal charcoal in solution hot solution filtered in this way charcoal absorbs the undesirable colors. the pure decolourization substance crystals on cooling

What is crystallisation of salts?

Crystallization of salts is the process in which dissolved salt molecules in a solution come together and arrange themselves in an ordered three-dimensional structure to form solid crystals. This can occur when the solution becomes supersaturated with the salt, causing the excess salt to separate out and form crystals. The size and shape of the crystals formed depend on factors such as temperature, pressure, and the rate of cooling.

What are two main ways that mineral form?

when water evaporates, as in a dry climate, ions that are left behind can come together to form crystals like the halite crystals. Or if too much of a substance is dissolved in water, ions can come together and crystals of that substance can begin to for in the solution.

What is the substance that absorbs and releases heat in a cooling system?

The substance that absorbs and releases heat in a cooling system is called the refrigerant. When the refrigerant absorbs heat from the surroundings, it evaporates and carries the heat away. When the refrigerant releases the heat, it condenses back into a liquid state, ready to absorb heat again.

Contrast the formation of minerals from magma and their formations from solution?

Minerals formed from magma solidify as molten rock cools and crystallizes, resulting in igneous rocks with interlocking crystal structures. Minerals formed from solution precipitate out of a saturated solution as ions combine to form solid crystals, often seen in sedimentary rocks like halite or gypsum. Overall, minerals from magma result from cooling and solidification, while minerals from solution form through precipitation of dissolved ions.

What is the difference between exsolution and twinning?

twinning occur cause of growth of two crystal in same plane, in twinning we have just one substance, but ex-solution occur cause of cooling and here we have two substance.