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Q: What is carbon dioxide returned to the atmosphere by?
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What are two ways in which carbon is returned to the atmosphere?

Carbon is returned to the atmosphere through the process of respiration by living organisms, where they release carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Additionally, the burning of fossil fuels for energy also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

During the carbon cycle in what form are carbon atoms generally returned to the atmosphere?

Carbon atoms are generally returned to the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) through processes like respiration, decomposition, and combustion.

What is it called when carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere?

* combustion * respiration * oxidization * Retrixilization (rare)

How is carbon dioxide returned the atmosphere?

Cellular respiration by producers and consumers returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.-Cellular respiration-Volcanic eruptions-Human interference (burning of fossil fuels)

How is carbon dioxide returned to the. atmosphere?

Cellular respiration by producers and consumers returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.-Cellular respiration-Volcanic eruptions-Human interference (burning of fossil fuels)

How is carbon returned in the atmosphere?

Carbon is returned to the atmosphere through processes like respiration by living organisms, decomposition of organic matter, and combustion of fossil fuels. When organisms respire, they release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. Decomposition of dead organic matter also releases carbon dioxide, while burning fossil fuels releases carbon that has been stored underground back into the atmosphere.

How is carbon returned to the atmosphere?

Carbon is returned to the atmosphere through processes like respiration by animals and plants, decomposition of organic matter, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions. These processes release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, completing the carbon cycle.

Why do decomposers decompose carbon dioxide?

Decomposers decompose organic matter, not carbon dioxide. When decomposers break down dead plant and animal material, they release carbon dioxide as a byproduct of the decomposition process. This carbon dioxide is then returned to the atmosphere, completing the carbon cycle.

How is carbon in fossil fuels eventually returned to the atmosphere?

When fossil fuels are burned for energy, carbon dioxide is released as a byproduct. This carbon dioxide is then released into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse gas effect. Additionally, fossil fuel extraction, processing, and transportation also release carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

What is rapidly returned to the atmospheric reservoir when humans burn fuels?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is rapidly returned to the atmospheric reservoir when humans burn fuels. This process contributes to the greenhouse effect and global warming by increasing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

What molecule carries most of the carbon in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the molecule that carries most of the carbon in the atmosphere.

How oxygen is returned to the atmosphere?

Oxygen is returned to the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis carried out by plants, where they take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen as a byproduct. Additionally, marine plants like phytoplankton also play a significant role in producing oxygen through photosynthesis.