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To convert between degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit, take the number, multiply it by 9, divide it by 5, and add 32. To use an example below freezing, -5 x 9 = -45 / 5 = -9 + 32 = 21 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Q: What is celsius to Fahrenheit formula below freezing?
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How many degrees below freezing is minus 16 degrees celsius?

-16 degrees Celsius is 28.8 degrees below freezing (3.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

What degrees are below freezing?

32 Degrees F and below = For Fahrenheit Below 0 degrees in Celsius

How many degrees below freezing is - 40?

-40 is already below freezing since water freezes at 32 Fahrenheit or 0 Celsius

-3 degrees is how many degrees below freezing?

In Fahrenheit: 35 degrees below freezingIn Celsius, 3 degrees below freezing.(In both cases, we're using "freezing" to meanthe freezing temperature of water.)

Which is hotter 30 degrees Celsius or 30 degrees Fahrenheit how do you know?

The freezing point of water is zero Celsius or 32 Fahrenheit. 30 F is below freezing, 30 C is above it. 30 C is hotter.

What is 28 degrees below zero Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Start by taking the number in Celsius and multiply it by 9. Then divide that number by 5, and then add 32. This is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or use the equation F = (9/5)C + 32In this case, the answer is about 82.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which is warmer 1 degree Fahrenheit or 1 degree Celsius?

The temperature 1°C is warmer, above water's freezing point on the Celsius scale (0°C).The temperature 1°F is well below freezing on the Fahrenheit scale (32°F).The equivalent temperature to 1°F is -17.22°C.---The two temperature scales have different "starting points" - zero in Celsius is the freezing point of water, while zero in Fahrenheit is the fralty water). So 1° Celsius is above freezing while 1° Fahrenheit is below freezing, the freezing point of pure water being 0°C but 32° F.

Which is a good temperature to sleep 30 celsius or 30 Fahrenheit?

30 celsius might be a little warm, but mostly comfortable to sleep. 30 Fahrenheit is below freezing, and would be quite uncomfortable.

What is warmer 6 degrees celsius or 6 degrees Fahrenheit?

6 degrees Fahrenheit is warmer. * * * * * 6 deg F is below freezing, 6 deg C is above freezing. So which is warmer?

Why is 1 degree celsius warmer than 1 degree Fahrenheit?

The two temperature scales have different "starting points" - zero in Celsius is the freezing point of water, while zero in Fahrenheit is the freezing point of brine (salty water). So 1° Celsius is above freezing while 1° Fahrenheit is below freezing, the freezing point of pure water being 0°C but 32° F *.A change of 1 degree Celsius is also a larger change than 1 degree Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit "degrees" are smaller than Celsius "degrees," as there are 180 of them between the freezing and boiling points of water (only 100 in Celsius).*For comparison a thermometer reading of 1° F is the same as -17.2° C

Do you ski when it is 20 degrees celsius or 20 degrees Fahrenheit?

20 degrees C is 20 degrees above freezing on the Celsius scale. 20 degrees F is (32 - 20) = 12 degrees below freezing on the Fahrenheit scale. So the answer is 20 F.

Are you more likely to swim at 30 degrees celsius or 30 degrees Fahrenheit?

Well since 30 degrees Fahrenheit would be below the freezing point of water, I'd have to say 30 degrees Celsius.