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Q: What is characteristics that an organism develops after it's born?
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What is one that an organism develops after it is born?


What is the name of the trait that an organism develops after its born?

Acquired Trait

How does a cell develop into a multicellular organism?

as a multicellular organism develops, its cells as a multicellular organism develops, its cells

What develops in to a organism during cell cycle?

a fertilized cell develops into a organism during the cell cycle

What is diffrince between adaptations and acquired characteristics?

Adaptations are inherited traits that help an organism survive and reproduce in its environment, developed over generations through natural selection. Acquired characteristics are traits that an organism develops during its lifetime in response to environmental factors or experiences, and are not passed on to offspring. Adaptations are genetic and heritable, while acquired characteristics are not.

How does organism develops?

Organisms develop by symbiosis.

What is the basic unit that transmits characteristics from one generation to the next?

The basic unit that transmits characteristics from one generation to the next is the gene. Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for how an organism develops and functions, and they are passed from parents to offspring during reproduction.

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What is a example of a embryo?

The stage of a multicellular organism that develops from a zygote.

What are characteristics of the Leader competency of Develops?

develop self

What is a characteristics of an organism?

Characteristics of organisms are called TRAITS

What is an organism born with in its environment?

An organism is born with inherited traits, such as physical characteristics and behavior, that help it to survive and reproduce in its environment. These traits are shaped by evolution and natural selection, allowing the organism to adapt to its surroundings over generations.