

What is ciculation?

Updated: 6/21/2024
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8y ago

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Circulation refers to the movement and flow of blood throughout the body, facilitated by the heart and blood vessels. It is essential for distributing oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs, as well as removing waste products. Poor circulation can lead to a variety of health issues.

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Is Mandingo dead?

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The lymphatic system is not directly involved in the systematic circulation of blood. While it plays a role in immune function and fluid balance, it is a separate system from the cardiovascular system responsible for circulating blood throughout the body.

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A gustnado is a cyclonic ciculation that could cause severe thunderstorms.

What is the best selling book in history and who is the author?

The Best selling Book in History is the Holy Bible with 3 billion to 6 billion copys in ciculation today, not counting the billions throght history. The next best selling Book is Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong, with 2 billion to 5 billion copys. Followed by the Xinhua Dictionary with 400 million copys.

How can chronic hypoxia affect your body if you still smoke all the time?

My mom smokes and she has chronic Hypoxia . She will hardly ever wear her oxygen and she still smokes a whole intire carton of cigarettes less than two weeks . How can that affect your body and the hypoxia ? She also has copd and Emphazima and she has told me she was not going to quite smoking . I know that if you have emphazima you are killing yourself slowly cause you are closing your wind pipe ciculation . She has told me she did not care something was going to take her out of this world if it was than if would be her cigarettes.