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Negative 100 degrees Celsius. It is the same as negative 148 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Q: What is colder negative 100 degree celsius or negative 138 degree Fahrenheit?
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Is 0 degree Fahrenheit or 0 degree celsius colder?

0 Fahrenheit is colder.

Which is colder 20 degree Celsius or 40 degree Fahrenheit?

40 degrees Fahrenheit, as 20 degrees Celsius equals 68 degrees Fahrenheit

What is negative 186 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

-186 degree Celsius is equals to -302.8 degree Fahrenheit

What is 15 degrees Celsius in Fahrenhei?

15 degree Celsius = 59 degree Fahrenheit.

Which is colder Celsius or Fahrenheit?

At -40 they're the same. Neither is colder, they are scales of measurements for temperature. Those are two scales of temperature. Neither can be defined as being colder. One could say that Fahrenheit is the "colder" scale because -1 degree Fahrenheit is colder than -1 degree Celsius. The "coldest" scale I know of is Kelvin, which defines 0 degrees Kelvin as -273.15 degrees Celsius (Absolute Zero).

Is 0 degrees fagrenheit codler then 0 degrees celsius?

yes. 0 degree Fahrenheit is -17 degree celsius which is obviously colder than 0 degree celsius.

What is the Fahrenheit of negative 78.5 degree celsius?

-78.5ºc = -109.3ºf.

Is -30 degree celsius warmer or colder then -30 degrees Fahrenheit?


Which is the colder temperature -40F or 39F?

Negative is colder. i.e. -40F. This is because as heat rises the Fahrenheit, Celsius and kelvin scale always increase in number. Fahrenheit and Celsius both go from a negative to a positive with increase in heat

What is negative one degrees in Fahrenheit?

(-1) degree Celsius = 30.2 degrees Fahrenheit

What is colder 17 degree Celsius or 30 degree Celsius?

17 degree celsius is colder.

Why 0 degree Fahrenheit is equal to negative 17 Fahrenheit?

It isn't. Zero Fahrenheit is equal to -17.78 Celsius.