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Q: What is commonwealth edisons stock price?
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What is Ex-stock price?

Ex-stock price is that price which is immediately deliverable at that price and not price qouted is for stock price of item.

What is the closing price for stock?

The Closing Price is referred to the price of a stock at the end of the trading hours.

What was the stock price of GM stock in November 1966?

What was the stock price of GM stock in November 1966?Read more:What_was_the_stock_price_of_GM_stock_in_November_1966

What is the closing price of a stock?

The closing price of a stock is how much a stock is worth after a specific day of trading.

What does the closing price of a stock mean?

Closing price (Last). The final price of JLJ stock for the day.

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What the stock price of Google?

Stock price would not be stable, it will be keep changing.

What is the stock selling for on the stock market?

A share of stock sells for its market price, the current available price to purchase listed on a stock exchange.

Is it good to have a high closing price or a low closing price?

If you own the stock, it is good to have a high closing price. If you are short the stock or trying to buy the stock, then a low closing price.

What is stock divided yield?

Stock dividend yield is a ratio useful in stock analysis. It is calculated by this formula: dividend per stock/stock price*100% In some cases the divisor in the formula may differ. Instead of the current stock price, it may be the price an investor purchased the stock at, or it may be the price when the dividend was paid.

What was Chrysler corporation 1983 stock price?

The Chrysler corporation 1983 stock price was $26.75. In the previous year, their stock price was at $15 per share.

GM Stock price in 1984?

GM stock price in 1984 was- $73.9375 a share.