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its means the the court can hear by decide to make the case go into recess

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Q: What is conflict model of criminal justice?
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What is the difference between consensus and conflict crime?

The conflict model (non-System perspective or system conflict theory) of criminal justice argues that the organizations of a criminal justice system either do, or should, work competitively to produce justice, as opposed to cooperativelyThe Consensus Model or Systems Perspective of criminal justice argues that the organizations of a criminal justice system either do, or should, work cooperatively to produce justice, as opposed to competitively.[1]

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What is it called that a model of the criminal Justice system that sees participants within the system as largely self-serving?

I think it is called the conflict model

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The justice model.

Does consensus model of the criminal justice system or conflict model of the criminal justice system accurately represents the criminal justice system today?

In common law used by almost all English Speaking Nations and soon to be used by Mexico, a hybrid system exists. The criminal justice system is divided into two parts. The arrest and trial until until the trial is turned over to the jury is strictly a conflict model. After the judge instructs the jury, the conflict ends. The jury attempts to reach a consensus. Then the jury returns. The jury returns. The judge asks, "Has the jury reached a verdict?" The judge could just as easily ask, "Has the jury reached a consensus?" The difference between verdict and consensus is that verdict must be expressed in extremely specific terms. It is guilty or not guilty. So the criminal justice system contains both models.

Which model of criminal justice assumes that the effects of the component parts of the system are fragmented leading to a criminal justice nonsystem?

consensus model

Which model of criminal justice assumes that the efforts of the component parts of the system or fragmented leading to a criminal justice nonsystem?

Consensus model

What was the goal of the treatment model in Criminal Justice?

The main goal of the treatment model in criminal justice was to rehabilitate the accused. For example, if they have a drug problem then drug rehabilitation may be part of their sentence.

Which response model treats terrorism like any other criminal offense?

Criminal Justice

What is a criminal justice perspective model that emphasizes the efficient arrest and conviction of criminal offenders?

Crime Control

What court function is the medical model of the criminal justice system related to?


What model of criminal justice that has been criticized for implying a greater level of organization and cooperation among various agencies of justice that actually exist?

Consensus Model