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In container class we can only access the public part of base class. For accessing of private and protected part of base class we use friend functions.

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Q: What is containership in oops concept?
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its not a oops concept, its a procedural concept in data structure as well as data ananlysis n algorthim

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Each entity is consider as a object

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Yes. Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language and it supports the OOPS concepts like Inheritance, Polymorphism etc

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Single Inheritance is the concept of deriving a class properties from a single base class

Why c language is called mid level language justify with an exampal?

because it dont not support oops concept

Is cpp complete oops?

No, C++ is not a strict OOP language as like Java and C#. C++ supports all OOPS concept like Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance etc. But C++ provides a way to expose the private data to outside world using friend functions, which is a violation of OOPS.

Main deffrent between c and cpp?

The main difference between c and c++ is the concept of 'Object Oriented Programming' (OOPS). Thus c does not have the benefits of oops like: 1. abstraction 2. encapsulation 3. inheritance 4. polymorphism etc.

Oops you will smile?

oops, i rather not.

What is OOP concept?

OOPS stands for object oriented programming in short . Characteristics of OOPs are : encapsulation, data hiding, polymorphism etc.

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What is full form oops?

Oops ! I did it again.