

What is contextual spelling?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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11y ago

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Contextual spelling is when the spelling of a word depends on how it is being used in the sentence. In American English, many words that used to depend on context are now reduced to just one spelling of the word in all contexts.

For example, the word "practice" vs "practise". In American English, only "practice" is used. However, traditionally, "practice" is used only as a noun, while "practise" is a verb.

As a noun: "In order be that good, one must have lots of practice." The verbs in this sentence are 'be' and 'have', while 'practice' is a noun; something that you have.

As a verb: "What do I do for a living? I practise medicine." The verb in the second sentence is "practise," while medicine is acting as the subject; something being practised.

Essentially, contextual spelling is words that sound the same but are spelled differently depending on the situation. They're/their/there could also each, technically, be considered that type of word.

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