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Q: What is control group give its importance in an experiment?
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Why is a control group needed in any experiment?

A control group creates a 'yard-stick' to measure any changes in the experiment. For example, suppose you're testing a new diet pill on 100 people - you'd only give the pill to half the group, leaving the other half as a 'control' to see if the diet pill actually works.

Why do you need a control group and a experimental group?

A control group allows researchers to compare results with a baseline, while an experimental group receives the treatment being tested. Comparing these two groups helps determine the effect of the treatment, minimizing bias and ensuring that any observed changes are due to the treatment itself.

What does control as an experiment means?

A control sample or control group is used to compare with the experimental group or sample. The control sample ideally, should be exactly the same as the experimental sample except that you don't give your experimental treatment to the control sample. Afterwards you compare the 2 samples to see if your experimental treatment had any kind of effect. The control is like a reference point.

What is a experimental group?

An experimental group is the group in an experiment that receives the treatment or intervention being tested. This group is compared to a control group to assess the effects of the treatment. The experimental group helps researchers determine if the treatment has an impact on the outcome being studied.

What does control mean in scientific terms?

A control is anything that stays the same during the experiment. For example say you were testing the affects of different liquids on plants; some controls would be the temperature you keep the plants, the amount of light you give them, etc.

What is the importance of measuring accurately?

becuz that way u get an accurate result at the end of the experiment and any calculations done would give you the right answer.

Can you have a sentence with the word control group in it?

Sure. "After all the subjects in the control group take the normal pill we'll give the test group subjects the placebo without telling them.

What is the difference between a control groups and experimental groups?

The control is a group that is held constant and is not experimented with, The experimental group is the group that is experimented with

What does control means in a scientific method?

Usually, there are two groups, a control group and an experimental group. For example, if you were showing how plants grow with fertilizer versus manure, the control group would be the fertilizer or the manure, depending on which you usually use. The experimental group would be the new substance, because you are experimenting on that. The control is what you give to the control group, if I am not mistaken. It is what you are not changing.

Explain the relationship between a placebo and a control group?

In a study, a control group is a group that does not receive the experimental treatment but is used for comparison. A placebo is a substance or treatment that has no therapeutic effect, given to the control group to minimize the effects of bias or expectation. The placebo helps researchers determine the true effect of the experimental treatment by providing a baseline for comparison.

What is the function of a control in reducing sugar experiment?

In a reducing sugar experiment, a control is used as a baseline for comparison to ensure that any changes in the experimental group are due to the manipulated variable (such as the presence of reducing sugars) and not to other factors. The control group typically does not receive the treatment being tested, allowing researchers to determine the specific impact of the variable being studied.

What is the difference between a control and a constant?

A control is a duplicate setup of the experiment you are performing with everything identical except for the variable that you are testing. Or, it is how the experiment would happen naturally, without you doing anything. For example, if you are testing the effects of a certain medication on humans, you give half of the subjects the medication and the other half a placebo, which is a sugar pill that has no effect. The latter group is the "control group". Their purpose is to remove the psychological effect of taking the medication from the results of the experiment, so that the only variable remaining is the actual effects of the medication. Constants are things that are kept the same for all trials, like making sure that every subject is taking a pill (and that they believe it is the medication in question, ever if it is only a placebo)