

What is copper odor?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is copper odor?
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by subtracting theodor is by taking the copper alway

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Describe the appearance and odor of the liquid obtained by heating copper II sulfate pentahydrate.

What is the characteristics of copper?

Copper looks brown and leaves a signifigant odor on your hand when held too long.

What is Color of copper sulfate solution and ammonia?

Copper sulfate (II) CuSO4 is blue; ammonia is a colorless gas. If you mix ammonia water and copper sulfate solution, you will actually form a Brilliant blue copper-ammonium complex that is very pretty. Copper sulfate is blue by itself and anhydrous ammonia is a clear gas with a choking odor.

Can too much copper cause body odor?

Exact same query I have. I don't know the answer, but the fact that I almost typed that literal phrase into the google machine would indicate that we both think we have B.O. and think we have a copper imbalance.

Is odor spelled odor or odor?

Odour (United Kingdom) Odor (United States)

What does copper smell like?

copper has a smell unique to copper that is often described as sweet. smell being an olifactory sense and subjective to individual perspective i recomend getting a penny that predates 1992 and smelling it for yourself.

What is the odor of caesium?

Californium has no odor.

What is the use of copper hoods?

Copper range hoods are placed over the range or cooking surface of a kitchen. They offer kitchen ventilation through the use of a fan and blower, removing the smoke and odor cooking creates.

What is the odor of tritium?

it has no odor

Does iron have an odor?

no, it does not.

What is iridium's odor?

it has no odor