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It is a rare species

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Q: What is correct rare specie or rare species?
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No. With over 550 species known worldwide, the Swallowtail is one of the most well-known, abundant species in the world.

Why did Massachusetts require that taxes be paid in specie?

Massachusetts taxes are paid in specie for two different reasons. One reason was because specie was rare and for two specie was worth more.

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An exotic specie. An alien specie. A non-native specie. All are acceptable.

Are insects part of one species?

Insects actually have more than one specie. Insects are a life group. For example, a specie would be predator insects, which is one specie. Insects actually have more than one specie. Insects are a life group. For example, a specie would be predator insects, which is one specie. THERE ARE 19,000 DIFFERENT SPECIES

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a tiger is a specie

What is the specie for goat?

The species is capra aegagrus.

Why do polar bears only have one specie?

This is because the polar bears themselves are a species of bears and are in a sense related to the grizzlies and so on. They do not have sub-species as yet discovered which should have been the correct question.

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