

What is cubit unit?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is cubit unit?
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What is Primitive unit of length equivalent to a span of the forearm?

Cubit is the Primitive unit of length equivalent to a span of the forearm.

Linear unit based on the length of a forearm?

The unit based on the length of a forearm was the cubit

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What is a cubital?

a cubit is a unit of mesurment from the length of the tip of the middle finger to the elbow.

How do you convert BTU per standard cubit feet to Kilo joule per Kg?

None, since there can be no conversion. A cubit = 1.5 feet so a cubit foot (= 1.5 square feet) is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space. Energy is measured in terms of BTU per unit of volume or mass, not of area. So "BTU per standard cubit fet" is a nonsense unit.

Why cubit is not considered as standard unit?

A cubit and a footstep are a type of archaic unit of length that was mostly used during the Middle Ages. It is not used as a standard unit of length today because they were not proven to be consistant lengths.

What was a standard unit used in the construction of the great pyramid?

The cubit which is about 0.5 metre in modern terms

How many feet in one cubit yard?

A foot is a unit of length. A cubic yard is a unit of volume. The two units are therefore incompatible.

How many standard cubit feet are in a pound?

"cubit feet" is nonsense; there's no such measurement. "cubic feet" is a valid unit of measurement, but it's a volume measurement and cannot be converted into pounds, a weight measurement.

How many cubit inches in a foot?

Your question is very confused. The cubit is a unit of measurement that has nothing to do with inches or feet. Possibly you intended to ask how many cubic inches are in a cubic foot, the answer being 1728.

How many cubits in a foot?

A cubit is a unit of length equal to the length of a person's forearm from the elbow to the fingertips - about a foot and a half or 18" There are .677 cubits in a foot

Where did a cubit come from?

it is cubit