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Plastic does not decompose (at least not in the duration of many, many lifetimes.) Paper decomposes very slowly and depending on the type of paper may take anywhere from one to twenty years to do so. This is because plastic is made from oil which technically still means it is an organic substance however it takes millions of years and very specific conditions for oil to be formed from anything organic. Paper on the other hand comes from trees and will decompose much faster, but if you've ever seen a rotting tree stump you will know it will take it's time to do so still.

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Q: What is decomposition of plastic and paper bags?
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What are the causes of recycling?

It helps the environment. For e.g we could recycle paper into a paper bag and many other things can be recycled so atop using plastic bags.

What are bad things about paper bags?

Plastic bags are bad for the environment because with all the growing plastic bags (which are not biodegradable) blowing around, anything can ingest it.Animals and everything. also the materials to make plastic bags contribute to the global emissions.Plastic degradation at sea takes between 45-1000 years.Usually though, plastic bags don't biodegrade. They photo-degrade. Which means they break up into smaller pieces of plastic until eventually becoming plastics dusts.Plastic which ends up in the sea (through garbage dumps at seaside, river flow etc) winds up becoming food for marine life that mistake it for food especially of the jellyfish variety.Plastics bags have been found in the stomachs of endangered animals including the leatherback turtles, harbour porpoises and black footed albatross. Ingestion (swallowing) of plastic bags can result in blockages, internal infections, starvation and death.These occur in deserts as well (garbage dumpsites in deserts) where camels and other desert wildlife have been found dead with plastic ingestion.If animals don't die from plastic ingestion, they pollute the food chain instead. After all, we are the ones eating fish and meat.Moreover, it takes about 430,000 gallons of oil to produce 100 million non-degradable plastic bags. And we use 4 trillion to 5 trillion plastic bags worldwide annually. That's using up oil sources without recycling them.Recycling cost of plastic bags: it takes 250 bags to make 1 kilo of plastic - making recycling economically unviable. Furthermore, plastic is made of recycled materials, making them difficult to be further recycled. Burning plastic results in air pollution and toxic ash.

What is made of plastic?

Plastic erasers, plastic bags, parts of projecting pencils{sometimes}...

What is the problem with using plastic shopping bags?

Since plastic bags are not biodegradable, they slowly deteriorate into small toxic bits, contaminating water and soil. Plastic is made from chemicals that produce pollution as the plastic is manufactured. Using fewer plastic bags causes less pollution to enter the air humans and animals breathe. At times, plastic bags make their way to the ocean and marine animals eat them, thinking they are food. Some marine animals may even become entangled in the plastic bags .

What is plastic made out of?

cups,pens,pates,silverware,plastic bags,sandwich tubs,ext.

Related questions

Which can support more paper or plastic bags?

Plastic bags can support more weight but paper bags can support more items

Are plastic bags easier to make than paper bags?

Plastic bags are cheaper and I do believe, easier to make as compared to paper bags.

Can plastic bags be replaced with paper bags?

Yes, they can.

Can broken bags be recycled?

Paper bags, yes ... plastic, no. In our area, plastic bags with a recycle logo can be recycled.

Which is stronger grocery bag or plastic bag?

Paper bags. Because it is made from kraft paper and plastic grocery bags are made from plastic, which kraft paper is stronger than plastic, so paper bags can support more weight.

How do you reduce a plastic paper bag?

use paper bags

What are the benefits of plastic than paper?

paper bags are expensive

What can withstand the most weight paper or plastic bags?


Why should you encourage the use of paper bags?

paper bags are eco friendly to nature while plastic bags arent

What are the advantages and disadvantages of paper bags?

Advantages: Paper bags are biodegradable, recyclable, and reusable. They are generally considered more environmentally friendly than plastic bags. Disadvantages: Paper bags are not as durable as plastic bags and can tear easily when carrying heavy items. They are also more expensive to produce than plastic bags.

Scientists disagree about whether paper bags or plastic bags are less harmful to the environment. Which fact supports the opinion that plastic bags are less harmful than paper bags?

Making a paper bag uses about twice as much oil as making a plastic bag.

Which support more weight paper or plastic grocery bags?

Paper bags can support more weight