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Deep state of unconsciousness refers to a profound level of unconsciousness where the person is non-responsive to external stimuli and their brain activity is significantly reduced. It is often seen in states such as comas or severe brain injuries where the person is not able to wake up or show signs of awareness. Medical intervention is usually required to manage these conditions.

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Q: What is deep state of unconsciousness?
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What is coma?

A coma is a deep state of unconsciousness, your brain is at its lowest activity level.

What is a state of total unconsciousness?

A state of total unconsciousness is called Coma

Who is a comatose patient?

Anyone who is in a deep or prolonged state of unconsciousness, usually due to an illness or injury, is considered to be comatose.

What is another term for a coma?

Deep unconsciousness

What is the difference between coma and comma?

A coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness, while a comma is a punctuation mark used to separate parts of a sentence.

Which vertebrae refers to the state of unconsciousness?

A vertebra is a bone of the spine, they have nothing directly to do with a state of unconsciousness.

What is the full form of coma?

Coma, from the Greek word "Koma," meaning deep sleep, is a state of extreme unresponsiveness, in which an individual exhibits no voluntary movement or behavior. Furthermore, in a deep coma, even painful stimuli (actions which, when performed on a healthy individual, result in reactions) are unable to affect any response, and normal reflexes may be lost.A state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged or indefinite period, caused especially by severe injury or illness.A state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged or indefinite period, caused especially by severe injury or illness.

What word means a prolonged period of deep unconsciousness?


My grandmother was in a very deep state of unconsciousness for 24hrs before she died but ive always wondered if she could dream during it or hear us and if so how well?

The only answer is that it is possible that your grandmother could hear you and that it is possible that she could have dreamed. There simply is no way of knowing for certain. If it is true that a "very deep state of unconsciousness" was medically induced, the chances that she could either hear or dream are reduced. But both are possible.

What is the state of unconsciousness caused by anaesthetics called?


State of unconsciousness where patient cannot be aroused?
