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The word Discipleship means to follow the doctrines of a particular teacher or a school of thought.

The word is used in the Christian Church in two different ways:

1.) Being a Disciple (of Christ) is simply being a person who follows Christ. Discipleship is the process of following God. It is often used when discussing the process of living out your Christian beliefs, and of the process of learning to live out your Christian beliefs.

2.) Being in a discipleship relationship with a more mature believer, who helps you along in your journey of following God. This would mean meeting regularly to study The Bible together- talk about spiritual things- serve God together with acts of service (ministry)....etc.

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4mo ago

Discipleship is the process of learning and following the teachings of a mentor or leader, typically in a religious or spiritual context. It involves growing in knowledge and faith, and embodying the values and principles of the mentor through actions and behaviors. It often includes a personal commitment to a particular belief system or way of life.

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