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Salt water is a lighter density than fresh. The difference depends on the salinity of the water. This differs all over the world in different parts of the oceans and in salt water lakes.

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Q: What is difference between density of salty water and normal water?
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What is the problem of the science project of how salty does the sea have to be before an egg floats'?

The experiment is about density change of salt solution and the buoyancy force due to density difference of the object (egg) and medium (salted water).

Do all eggs float in salty water?

First, it must define how salty it is, a salty water could have density between 1 g/cm3 to 1.2 g/cm3 at saturated concentration. The chicken egg is 1.04 g/cm3 with some little variation and would sink when the salt concentration reach about 6 - 7%. Egg of different species would have different density but I had no data if there is any egg species that may float in saturated salt concentration or not. Far as I knew, the egg shell for chicken is around 2 g/cm3 and it would mean any animal with more shell thickness per volume would had higher density.

Why does the boiled egg sink?

Depends on the egg, those with hard shells are not permeable to water so they wouldn't gain mass. In other cases, if there's a higher concentration of solutes in an egg in an environment, then water naturally goes in unless there are mechanisms to constantly remove water.

Is salty an adjective?

"Salty" is an adjective. Eamples are "salty pretzel," "salty language," and "salty fisherman."You can sometimes identify a word as an adjective or an adverb by the base word.If the base word is a noun, then it's an adjective.Examples: salty lovely beastlyIf the base word is an adjective or a verb, then it's an adverb.Examples: lovingly scornfully ridiculously anxiously

What does isotonic to environment mean?

"Just as salty as the environment."

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Is the Persian gulf salty or normal?

It is very salty.

What is the problem of the science project of how salty does the sea have to be before an egg floats'?

The experiment is about density change of salt solution and the buoyancy force due to density difference of the object (egg) and medium (salted water).

What is the difference between sea of galilee and the dead sea?

difference is the dead sea is very salty caused mainly by the Jordan river

Why a perspex block sinks in fresh water but will float in very salty water?

The difference in density between the perspex block and the water is what determines whether it sinks or floats. In fresh water, the density of the perspex block is greater than that of the water, causing it to sink. However, in very salty water, the increased density of the water allows the less dense perspex block to float.

What is the difference between putting salt on ham and not putting salt on ham?

One way the ham is salty, the other it is not

What kind of water is not salty?

Normal water!

What is the difference between stream water and ocean water?

there is no difference between sea water and ocean water because there the same thing in different words. good guestion though...

What is difference between halophiles and halotolerant?

A halophile would be an organism that thrives in (or requires a) very salty environments. A halotolerant organism would be able to survive in a salty enviroment, but can also live outside of this environment.

What does it mean if urine is very salty?

Nothing as this is normal

What is the difference between a seal and a dolphin?

The difference between a seal and a dolphin is a seal mainly stays in the Arctic's while dolphins stay in warm salty oceans (habitat). But in the appearance a dolphin does not have ''whiskers'' like seals do....Hope this is helpful

What is the Density of salt water per gram?

depends on how salty it is.. It is 5% salt water

What is the difference between saltwater animals and freshwater animals?

The difference is all fish stay alive in different types of water warm,cold,fresh, salty. They do different things in different water