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In a fish, dropsy is fluid buildup. This fluid retention can be a symptom of a serious problem, such as a type of infection.

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Q: What is dropsy in fish?
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Which fish can get dropsy?

Most types of fish can get dropsy, although in my experience, it is more common in live bearers and tetras.

What are the release dates for Fish Hooks - 2010 Dropsy 1-17?

Fish Hooks - 2010 Dropsy 1-17 was released on: USA: 21 January 2011

How can you cure dropsy?

To my knowedge there is no proven cure for dropsy. Some pet shops carry medications that 'claim' to cure almost every disease and problem including dropsy but I have never heard of them working successfully on dropsy. I would euthanase the fish.

My betta fish is floating on its side at the top of the tank and looks like its dead but it isnt and its stomach is bloated. does it have dropsy?

100% yes. I'm afraid it is highly unlikely that you will be able to save the fish at this point either. Dropsy is usually a secondary symptom of another infection (usually bacterial). The dropsy is usually caused because the fishes immune system was unable to fight the primary infection, and it has caused organ damage, usually to their kidneys. Dropsy can also occur for no apparent reason in an older fish. As with humans sometimes as fish age their organs begin to fail, as such they contract dropsy. I offer my deepest hopes that your fish makes it.

What are signs of dropsy?

By the time you notice dropsy it's too late. There is little you can do. The signs of dropsy typically include, sitting at the bottom of the tank and/or difficulty swimming. Fish will not eat. But perhaps the most shocking sign of dropsy and easiest to spot, is your fishes belly will be swollen. In most cases it will be swollen to the point that the fishes scales will stick out from it's skin, and it will almost look like a pine cone. Dropsy is rarely ever the primary disease that a fish contracts. It is usually a secondary infection to another disease that the fish gets because it is already stressed from fighting another infection. It can be caused by bacteria, stress, organ failure, and in some cases it can be a symptom of old age which caused the organ failure that is causing the dropsy. By the time you have noticed dropsy it is usually fatal and the fish will not recover.

How do you know if your goldfish has started to get dropsy?

The goldfish will stay at the bottom, barely able to move, and will appear bloated. In the final stages of dropsy the fish's scales will stick up and the fish will resemble something that resembles a pine cone.

Why are fish scales shiny?

it is a disease. Go on google and type in dropsy. Fish dropsy is a disease that makes a fish look sort of like a pinecone. It can be fatal, so go to a pet store and ask about medicine for your tank.

How do you cure a Siamese fighter fish when he is dropsy?

Dropsy isn't a disease in itself. It is a symptom of another problem. The only thing you can do for dropsy is treat with a strong medication. I would use Maracyn I and Maracyn II in combination and keep the water very clean. That is your best bet.

How do you know if your tiger barb has dropsy?

Dropsy can not be mistaken for any other disease. The scales of the fish stick out from the body like a rasp or file. The disease is incurable and can usually be traced back to poor water conditions.

What does fish goldfish with dropsy look like?

Dropsy Serious and difficult to cure, the fish's body can become so bloated that the scales protrude. It would just be at the bottom of the fishtank or pond and it would look like santa that has ate too many pies and he is sleeping on a bed with his eyes open

Your ryunkin goldfish looks like its going to explode what should you do?

That is what Ryunkin Goldfish look like. If however, the fishes scales are sticking out like a file or rasp, the fish is suffering from a fatal disease called Dropsy. There is no known reliable cure for Dropsy. There are expensive medications available at pet shops that make the claim to cure Dropsy but in my experience they do not work.

What is the difference between dropsy and a goldfish being pregnant?

The difference between dropsy and a goldfish being pregnant is that dropsy is a fatal condition caused by poor living conditions or an internal bacterial infection. This usually results in the body filling with fluid thus causing the fish to appear bloated. When goldfish get ready to spawn a female may appear slightly bloated or thick-bodied in accompaniment of the eggs in her abdomen. Goldfish use external fertilization to reproduce so therefore a pregnant goldfish is impossible. In general, if the fish is acting rather sluggish and is staying at the bottom, or if they start looking like a pine cone, (raised scales) it is probably dropsy.