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In the UK it is called Mumps

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Q: What is due to a viral infection involving the lymph nodes and is called the kissing disease''?
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Which disease is often called the kissing disease?

Mononucleosis is often called "the kissing disease".

Is mononucleosis a kissing disease?

Contact with the saliva of an infected person transmits the disease, that is why it is called the kissing disease. It is really an infection- viral. There is no treatment that is effective and it takes 6 month to recover. You get fatigued, swollen lymph nodes, and cold like symptoms.

What is kissing diseas?

It's called Mono. It is called the "kissing disease" because you can get it as easy as just kissing someone.

What is the name of the disease which is caused by organisms?

if the disease is caude by a microorganism, this is called ( infection

Can you catch ms from kissing?

Yes yes you can but it is not called ms it is called Epstein-Barr virus infection

What is an insect that transmits disease called?

A vector-borne disease.

What is the infection of the gums called?

Gingivitis Periodontal disease

How can kissing nicholas smith harm your body?

It can make you get a disease called black lipidous

What is the medical term meaning kissing disease?

Mononucleosis, also called glandular fever.

What's Mononucleosis?

Mono, is sometimes called "the kissing disease. It is the spread of germs found in saliva that causes it.

What is another name for Hodgkin's disease?

also called Hodgkin's lymphoma, is a type of cancer involving

Is Mono contagious?

Mono is an STD. It can be transfered by the obvous. But it is called the kissing disease and can be transfered by kissing, or by having blood get into your system, ie. blood from a cut getting into a cut you have