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Q: What is evidence of any evidence of ancient life called?
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Any trace of a dead organism such an an imprint in a rock is called?

Any evidence of ancient life is called a fossil.

What is any naturally preserved evidence of life?

Fossilised ancient life-forms. There are even fossilsed bacteria from 30 billion years ago.

What is the name of the remains of any previous living object?

The remains of any previous living object is called "fossil." Fossils can be bones, shells, imprints, or any other preserved evidence of ancient life.

What does fossil?

A fossil is any evidence of ancient life as recorded in rock, including feces, teeth, digestive stones, nests, eggs, bones, tracks, and burrows. ~ fossils provide evidence of the activities of ancient organisms.

What are ancient organisms preserved in a rock called?

A fossil is any evidence of an organism preserved in rock.

What types of evidence of ancient life can preserved as fossils?

Fossils can be made of any material that deteriorates slower than the sediment that forms the fossil hardens

What types of evidence of ancient life can be preserved as fossils?

Fossils can be made of any material that deteriorates slower than the sediment that forms the fossil hardens

What does fossilation mean?

A fossil is any evidence of ancient life as recorded in rock, including feces, teeth, digestive stones, nests, eggs, bones, tracks, and burrows. ~ fossils provide evidence of the activities of ancient organisms.

Is there life is exist on any other planets?

At this time we have no evidence of any extraterrestrial life.

What evidence is there that suggest that there is life on other planets?

There is no such evidence. While it seems likely that, given that life appeared on Earth, it may also have appeared elsewhere, there is no actual evidence that makes it even likely that life DID appear in any specific place.

Does Venus have Martians?

Life forms from Venus would be called Venusians. Life forms from Mars would be called Martians. In any respect, however, there is no evidence, nor scientific support of life on either Venus or Mars.

What planets were known to the ancient Hebrews?

There is no written evidence that the Ancient Hebrews knew about any planets other than Earth.