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Q: What is evolution that occurs over a short period of time called?
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Compare and contrast adaptation vs evolution?

Adaptation is a mechanism of evolution. It occurs in relatively short period of time among individuals or groups of individuals. Evolution takes a longer amount of time and encodes changes in the DNA of a species.

What is evolution that occurs in short rapid bursts?

Punctuated equilibrium

The theory that evolution occurs during short periods of rapid change is puntuated?

Punctuated equilibrium.

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A short term interest rate occurs over a short period of time. A long term interest rate occurs over a long period of time.

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What model of evolution change over a short period of time?

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Which model of evolution shows change over a relatively short period of time

How does the punctuated equilibrium model of evolution states that evolution occurs rapidly?

Gradualism is the theory that evolution occurs slowly and consistently along periods of time. On the other hand, punctuated equilibrium is the theory that evolution does not occurs for long periods of time and then suddenly evolves rapidly in a small short period of time.

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It is called a flash flood. They normally happen when heavy amounts of rain fall up stream from were it actually happens.

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What is a period of inactivity that some animals experience in summer?

Type your answer here... it is hibernation