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Colloquial sense:

It's when the rate of growth is always increasing, rather than the rate of growth being constant.

Mathematical sense (a more exact definition):

It's when the rate of increase is directly proportional to the amount. This means that the amount will be multiplied by the same number over fixed periods of time.

For example, if you have ten thousand dollars in a bank account with a fixed interest rate (exponential growth) and the amount is currently increasing at a rate of one dollar per day, then when the money grows to fifteen thousand dollars it will be increasing at $1.50 per day. If your money takes ten years to triple from $200 to $600 then it will take another ten years for it to triple again to $1800.

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12y ago
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13y ago

You probably mean exponential, not expotential.

Exponent is a mathematical term, such as 5x5 is the same as 5 squared or 5 to the power of 2. That would be a little 2 printed just to the right of the 5.

Exponential growth would be a vast amount of growth that at least grows by 100% every time.


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13y ago

An exponential growth curve describes when something doubles every time it multiplies. If you have one stupid person and he divides in two, you have two stupid people. If those two stupid people multiply you gave 4 stupid people. If those 4 people (stupid people btw) multiply there are now 8 astound people. if this keeps going ans each stupid person multiplies itself you can see how stupid people gruw faster and faster as there are more if them.

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12y ago

Think about it. Say a plant sprouts, then you have a certain amount of cells in said plant. Each of those cells multiply in some amount of time. So, for example, after a week, you have twice the cells you had before. But if the cells divide at the same rate, the next week, you'll get a plant with 4 times the cells you had before because the cells that divided and creates new cells, will still divide and create more new cells just like the new cells will divide and make new cells. The old cells don't stop making new cells after the first generation.

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13y ago

This can be stated in different equivalent ways, for example:

  • You can express the growth (the size of the population as a function of time) as a mathematical function AeBt, for some constants A and B (t is the time).
  • The population doubles every so-and-so-many years (or minutes, for microbes).
  • The rate of increase of the population is proportional to the size of the population.
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14y ago

any equation that has X having a power greater than one

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You can write an exponential curve in the form:y = A e^(Bx) And also in the form: y = C D^x Where A, B, C, and D are constants, and "^" represents a power. Also, with exponential growth, the function will increase or decrease by the same factor in equal time intervals (for example, double every 1.3 years; triple every 2 months; etc.).

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A logistic growth curve plots the number of organisms in a growing population over time. Initially, the curve shows exponential growth until reaching the carrying capacity, where population growth levels off due to limited resources. This curve is commonly used in ecology to model population dynamics.