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Q: What is fauna biologically weathering?
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What is wheatering?

weathering is the breaking down of rocks to form soil. it can be caused physically chemically or biologically. physically by ice, water, and other physical conditions chemically by solution, carbonation, hydration etc.. and biologically by human activities, animals or even plants

What is an agent of weathering?

There are two classifications of the weathering process - physical and chemical weathering.Mechanical or physical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks and soils through direct contact with atmospheric conditions, such as heat, water, ice and pressure.Includes: frost weathering, water weathering and heat stress weatheringChemical weathering, involves the direct effect of atmospheric chemicals or biologically produced chemicals (also called biological weathering) in the breakdown of rocks, soils and minerals. Includes: dissolving by rain water, oxidation of metals and actions by plants.

Is freeze-thaw weathering the dominant process in cold environments?

Yes freeze thaw weathering is dominant in cold areas only where the temperature fluctuate around )degree centigrade.As the cold environment hardy supports any fauna so there is hardly any scope for weathering by biotic community.Chemical weathering is also very uncommon since the rocks even if they have access to chemicals but due to low temperature reaction does not take place.

Complete this phrase and fauna?

Flora and fauna

Where did the word fauna come from?

Fauna came from the fertility goddess named LL Fauna. Fauna means a animal.

Is coral flora or fauna?

= fauna =

How are humans organized biologically?

How are humans organized biologically?

Where is the Fauna Desert?

There is no such place as the 'Fauna Desert.'

Are humans fauna?

yes humans are fauna

How do you use biologically in a sentence?

I biologically created a new medicine

Is a sponge flora or fauna?

Sponges are animals - fauna.

Is the elephant seal fauna?

No it is a mammal. Fauna is a plant.