

What is feminine of DOn?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What is feminine of DOn?
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The feminine gender of "don" is "dona."

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"The woman" is an English equivalent of the Italian name Ladonna. The feminine singular surname in question represents a merger of the feminine singular definite article la ("the") and the feminine singular noun donna("woman") to form a last name. The pronunciation will be "la DON-na" in Italian.

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Donnona is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "big woman." It represents the combination of the feminine singular noun donna ("woman") with the feminine suffix -ona("big, large"). The pronunciation will be "don-NO-na" in Italian.

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Unusual spelling, but probably the same as Donna with a tilde (~) over the second n, to make it sound like Don-ya. It is the feminine form of Don (meaning Master or Lord) so it's the same meaning as Madame or Lady.

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