

What is fixed capacity?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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when a capacity is fixed

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Q: What is fixed capacity?
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Why are Fixed costs also called capacity costs?

Fixed costs are considered capacity costs because if a company expands, fixed costs will change. Additionally, if a company adds more resources, fixed costs will change.

What are the causes for adverse overhead capacity variance?

Incurring higher fixed costs than were planned for in the budget can cause adverse overhead capacity variance. Other caused can include planning errors, inefficient management of fixed overheads, and business expansion that was not added to the budget.

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organization facing problem about fixed asset is that the working capacity of the fixed asset goes on decreasing only excluding the land, because the value of land always appreciated

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There is no fixed number of people. It depends on the size and capacity of the home.

Are fixed costs always fixed?

First: Fixed costs remain fixed in this sence that it does not concern whether you r doing production or not or how much you are doing production. For example factory building rent... you are paying the rent of the building even if you are making goods or not. Second: Fixed costs remain fixed for a certain range of production units and after that if you want to increase from that production capacity range this fixed cost also change. For example if you acquire a factory buiding for godown and it has a capacity to story 100 product units so uptill the range of 100 units your fixed cost remain same but when you need to store more units you need to acquire more space and definitely need to pay more rent so now your fixed cost is change but still upto certain range after that range you may need more space and need to pay more rent. So fixed cost remain fixed upto certain level of activity and after that it changes and become fixed again upto next capacity level of activity.

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Baseline capacity is 80,000, but due to having seats that are not in fixed positions, it is expandable to 100,000. For Basketball etc, . . . who knows?

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k shell has two electrons because in the structure of an atom every shell has an capacity to have fixed number of electrons that why k shell has capacity to have 2 electrons.

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1- quantity of units produced = quantity of unit sold , so there is no change in invetory . 2- prices will remain fixed. 3- variable cost rate will remain fixed 4- total fixed costs will remain fixed up to maximum manufacuring capacity of the firm

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How can you make a CD memory bigger?

You cannot. The capacity of a CD is fixed at the time of manufacture. You can store more data by compressing the data itself.