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when tectonic plates move toward each othe forms

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Mountains (or oceanic ridges) are formed when tectonic plates push against each other.

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When crustal plates move toward each other, that forms mountain ranges.

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That is called a convergent boundary.

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Q: What is formed when crustal plates move toward each other?
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Major mountain ranges are formed when crustal plates are what?

push into each other

What is a crustal plate?

A crustal plate is a rigid layer of the Earth's crust that drifts slowly on the asthenosphere as it interacts with other plates.

Forms when two crustal lithospheric plates slide past each other?

A transform boundary is formed when two crustal lithospheric plates slide past each other horizontally in opposite directions. The movement at these boundaries is typically characterized by frequent earthquakes due to the friction between the two plates as they slide. An example of a transform boundary is the San Andreas Fault in California.

How do plate move a convergent boundary?

A convergent boundary is one where two plates are grinding into each other, so the plates are moving toward each other. If one plate more dense than the other, (say a continent and an oceanic plate collide) then the denser plate (the oceanic plate) may be subducted. If two plates of similar or the same density collide, then neither plate will subduct, and crustal thickening may occur. This is the process which formed the Himalayas, resulting from the pressure of two continental plates, the Indian and the Asian.

What are the three types of boundaries formed by tectonic plate movement?

Divergent Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are moving in relatively opposite directions and new crustal material is being created. Examples would be the mid-ocean ridges and the East African Rift.Convergent Plate Boundary: The area where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and one of two things happens; either the more dense plate subducts under the lighter plate and heads toward the mantle, or, if the plates are of similar density, they cause uplift and mountain forming events. Examples would be the oceanic to continental crustal collision creating the Andes Mountains, and the continental to continental crustal collision creating the Himalayan Mountains.Transform Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are grinding past each other, snapping into place from elastic rebound as they go, causing numerous earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform plate boundary between the North American and Pacific plates.

How did the Ring of Fire form?

The Ring of Fire is formed by the movement of Earth's crustal plates which are causing the Pacific Ocean to be subducted under less dense plates. This subduction results in underwater and continental volcanism, resulting in a line of eruptions which appear around its boundaries with other plates.

What natural events can occur when crustal plates move over each other?

earthquakes and tsunamis

Where are you most likely to find all three types of rock being formed?

Along a oceanic crustal plate boundary. In other words, along the place where two continental plates,( oceanic and land) meet?

What are the three types of tectonic plates?

The major types of plate tectonic boundaries are:Divergent Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are moving in relatively opposite directions and new crustal material is being created. Examples would be the mid-ocean ridges, and the East African Rift.Convergent Plate Boundary: The area where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and one of two things happens; either the more dense plate subducts under the lighter plate and heads toward the mantle, or, if the plates are of similar density, they cause uplift and mountain forming events. Examples would be the oceanic to continental crustal collision creating the Andes Mountains, and the continental to continental crustal collision creating the Himalayan Mountains.Transform Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are grinding past each other, snapping into place from elastic rebound as they go, causing numerous earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform plate boundary between the North American and Pacific plates.

How were the Rockies formed?

They were formed when the earth's plates collided with each other.

What happens to lithospheric plates at tectonic plate boundaries?

At tectonic plate boundaries, lithospheric plates can either move apart (divergent boundary), move together (convergent boundary), or slide past each other (transform boundary). These motions can result in the formation of new crust, subduction of one plate beneath another, or earthquakes along faults.

When plates moved toward each other they were described as?

convergant plate boundries