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FER = Fossil Energy Replacement ratio

FER = Energy Delivered To Customers / Fossil Energy Used

Refer to FER in 2003

Bio-ethanol from corn : FER= 1.4

Bio-ethanol from lignin : FER= 5.3

Gasoline : FER= 0.8

Electricity : FER= 0.4

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Fossil fuels are polluting, releasing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that is causing global warming.Renewable energy is clean, non-polluting, free, and everlasting.

In terms of fossils what is Replacement?

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the energy that is in fossil fuels is chemical and radiant energy.

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fossil energy is not same as solar energy. Fossil : Its a non renewable energy.but Solar is renewable Energy,its green and eco friendly

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Fossil fuel is not energy its a energy source and yes there is more energy sources besides the fossil fuel like coal and others.

Are fossil fuels alternative energy?

No. Alternative energy means energy sources other than fossil fuels.

Why is the US trying to find different sources of energy?

We are going to completely run out of fossil fuels by 2050. That's less then 40 years to find a replacement for gas, a fossil fuel that has become a staple in the daily function of human life.

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Geothermal energy utilization does not cause air pollution as fossil fuelsGeothermal energy is renewable source of energy while fossil fuel is not.

What problems harnessed nuclear energy from fossil fuels?

Nuclear energy does not come from fossil fuels

What can you do to reduce burning of fossil fuels?

Lower the energy consumption and/or switch to non-fossil energy.