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gas and dust accumulating into larger bodies

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1d ago

Gas and dust accumulating into larger bodies is the process of planet formation in a protoplanetary disk. These smaller particles collide and stick together to form planetesimals, which further accrete material to become planets. This process is known as accretion.

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Q: What is gas and dust accumulating into larger bodies?
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How does Gas-X work for bloating?

Gas-X works by breaking down gas bubbles in the digestive tract, making it easier for the body to expel them through burping or flatulence. The active ingredient, simethicone, is not absorbed by the body and remains in the digestive system to help reduce bloating and discomfort caused by excess gas.

Are there cells in gas?

Yes. If you count dust that is. Air itself is inorganic, hence, no cells in plain air.Cells are living things. There are no cells in the air. Air only contains atoms and molecules.

What does distended mean?

Distended means swollen or bloated, usually due to an accumulation of fluid, gas, or other substances. It can refer to a distended abdomen or other part of the body that appears larger than normal.

Why are some cells larger than others?

Cells can vary in size due to factors such as their specific function or stage in the cell cycle. For example, egg cells are larger to accommodate the necessary organelles for development, while red blood cells are smaller for efficient gas exchange. Additionally, some cells may become larger due to an increase in cytoplasmic content or organelles as they grow and mature.

What is Asbestos gas?

Asbestos is a mineral fiber that was commonly used in building materials and insulation due to its heat resistance and durability. When disturbed, asbestos fibers can become airborne and if inhaled, can cause serious health issues such as lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. Due to its harmful effects, asbestos use is now heavily regulated and efforts are made to safely remove it from buildings.

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Dust clouds in space can gradually clump together due to gravitational attraction between particles, forming planetesimals. These planetesimals then collide and merge to form larger bodies, eventually accumulating enough mass to become planets. This process, known as accretion, is a key step in the formation of individual planets from dust clouds.

Are larger solar systems made of gas and dust?

No. They are made mainly of stars and planets. The stars and planets came from gas and dust.

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This process is called accretion. It involves small particles like rocks, gas, and dust clumping together due to gravity and sticking to each other to form larger bodies like planets. Over time, these bodies continue to collide and grow in size until they become fully formed planets.

What are the sun and the celestial bodies that orbit the sun including planets satellites asteroids comets dust and gas?

Our Solar system.

When was Earth formed and how?

The Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago, not long after the Sun. After the Sun formed, a disk of leftover debris orbited it. This debris of gas and dust would, through the force of gravity, coalesce to form the planets and all other solar system bodies. Gravity pulled the dust and gas into chunks. These chunks further clumped together and grew larger and larger, until they began to form a spherical planet. This is how all the planets formed, including Earth.

Gas and dust spins?

Yes, because of how light gas and dust the heavier particles will move to the center of the dust and gas cloud creating a center point of gravity which the lighter dust and gasses spin around spiraling into the center and as the center point of gravity of mass increases the gravity on the other particles increases. This increases the speed of the spiraling and can lead to the formation of asteroids or other celestial bodies.

The interstellar medium is approximately 99 percent gas and 1 percent dust Why is it the dust and not the gas that blocks your visible-light view of the galactic center?

Dust grains are better at scattering and absorbing visible light compared to gas molecules. The dust particles are larger and denser, causing them to block and scatter light effectively, making them more significant in obstructing visibility in the interstellar medium compared to the gas.

What theory came from Sun planets and other celestial bodies of the solar system came from a cloud of dust and gas.?

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The only way to "get rid of radon gas" is to ventilate the space in which it is accumulating.

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The nebular hypothesis proposes that protoplanets formed around the protosun in a protoplanetary disk through collisions and aggregations of gas and dust. This process, known as accretion, led to the formation of larger bodies from smaller ones over time.