

What is granite made of?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Granite is composed mainly of the minerals quartz, different types of feldspars, micas, and hornblende, along with varying amounts of the elements aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, oxygen, and titanium.

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15y ago

Granite is composed mainly of the mineral quartz and different types of feldspars, micas, hornblende, along with varying amounts of aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, oxygen, and titanium.

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15y ago

Granite is quarried by mechanically separating large slabs from the granite intrusion. The slabs must be small enough to be lifted by crane or heavy loaders and lifted to a different location for further processing. The huge slabs are examined to determine what type of cut will provide the most suitable and attractive material. Specifications are fed into a computer, and a huge diamond saw, either band or circular, with diamond tipped abrasives begins cutting the granite into the desired dimension. The abrasive saws will always be fed with water to reduce temperature and dust. Once the desired slab dimension is achieved, the slab can be polished with rotating pads of various grits (again with water) until the desired finish is achieved.

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14y ago

Granite is a natural resource, its made of granite.

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13y ago

It is sediment rock

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