

What is half of a wavelength?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What is half of a wavelength?
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For a given wave if the frequency doubles the wavelength?

. . . reduces by half.

How do you calculate frequency when given a half wavelength?

Frequency (f)=Speed of the wave(v)/wavelength l

What is the wavelength of two waves when the first wave has twice the frequency of the second?

The first has half the wavelength of the second

What is the wavelength of a photon whose energy is twice that of a photon with a 580 nm wavelength?

Twice the energy means twice the frequency, and therefore half the wavelength.

If a wave is traveling at a certain speed and its frequency is doubled what happens to the wavelength of that wave?

Wavelength = 1/frequency. If you double the frequency, the wavelength drops to half.

What is half of wavelegth?

Just call it "half a wavelength". As far as I know, there is no special name for that.

What happens to the speed of the waves if the frequency of the wave source is halved?

The wavelength of a wave would double if the frequency was cut in half. Wavelength=c/frequency where c equals the speed of light.

What determines the number of half wavelenghts that fit into the length of the string?

Suppose the wavelength is 4 metres. Then the half-wavelength is 2 metres. Suppose the string is 10 metres. Then you can fit 5 half-wavelengths on it. Easy enough?

How you can explain that nodal points are located one-half of the wavelength of the interfering waves from one to another?

The zeros (nodal points) of a sinusoidal wave occur every half-wavelength of the sinusoidal wave.

What and the distance between two crests and two troughs?

Half of wavelength. Say it either two successive crests or successive troughs. Then the answer will be wavelength Other wise say that the distance between successive crest and trough. That will be half of wavelength Avoid 'two'

What happens to the wavelenght of a wave when the frequencey of the wave doubled but speed stays same?

Speed = wavelength x frequency, so wavelength = speed / frequency. Therefore, the wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency. Double the frequency means half the wavelength.

What is the value of radiation resistance of half wavelength dipole antenna?

36 ohm